
Templates - using a template

1. From the GoodSign homepage click on Dashboard

I'm assuming you've got an account and are logged in. Otherwise, login/regster

2. Navigate to the Templates / API trab

3. Click on options

4. Click on Use Template

This will make a copy of our template - so we can easily send to a new signer.

5. Enter the new name for this document

We'll call this one NDA - For John Ballinger so we can easily find it later.

6. Add the name and email of the signer

This is the person that will sign our document

7. When complete optoins

Email copies and sending CC (carbon copies) to other people. Supports multiple CC addresses, just add a comma between each email

8. Change Reminder Optoins

Automatically remind this signer to complete this document if they don't sign

9. Configure Email Reminders

Send a reminder every 7 days

10. Sharing option (optional)

Allow anyone in the admin team to view this - otherwise it will only be shared to my team.

11. Save

12. Change Signer - if you have more than one

13. Add an extra signer

Click and drag "Sign Here" onto document

14. Adding signatures

Drag and drop the "Sign Here" button from the left panel onto your document

15. Click on Next

16. Type in highlight

Add in an optional message if required

17. Click on Finish

18. Success - sent

Digital eSignatures
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2 Stuart St, Ponsonby, Auckland 1011, New Zealand..