
Timestamping Authority Definition and Examples

Understanding Timestamping Authority for e-Signing

The reliability of electronic documents hinges on verifiable timestamps that ensure the integrity and authenticity of the data. This is where a Timestamping Authority (TSA) plays a critical role. In e-signing, a TSA is a trusted third-party service that provides a timestamp proving that a particular document existed at a specific point in time.

What is a Timestamping Authority?

A Timestamping Authority issues timestamps using digital certificates to sign a document, creating an immutable record. This process is essential for compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. The TSA's digital certificates ensure that the timestamp cannot be altered without detection, making it incredibly reliable for legal and business purposes.

Why Use a Timestamping Authority?

  1. Legal Compliance: Many industries require verifiable timestamps to comply with legal standards. A TSA helps meet these requirements effortlessly.
  2. Data Integrity: It enhances document integrity by providing a tamper-proof proof of existence.
  3. Audit Trail: TSAs offer a detailed audit trail, making it easier to track document history and changes.
  4. Cost-Efficiency: Pay only for what you use; no hidden fees or subscriptions make it financially viable. Each timestamp typically costs around $1.50 per send, as offered by providers like GoodSign.

How It Works

  1. Document Submission: When you submit a document for e-signing, it gets sent to the TSA.
  2. Digital Signature: The TSA applies a digitally-signed timestamp, indicating the exact time the document was signed.
  3. Verification: The timestamp can be verified easily by anyone, ensuring the document has not been tampered with.

Real-World Examples

  • Legal Contracts: Timestamping ensures that contract terms were agreed upon at a specific time, critical for enforcing agreements.
  • Financial Documents: In audits, timestamped financial records confirm compliance and accuracy.
  • Healthcare Records: Verifiable timestamps on medical records maintain their integrity, essential for patient safety and regulatory compliance.

Utilizing a Timestamping Authority simplifies your e-signing process, strengthens document integrity, and meets legal requirements, allowing businesses to operate smoothly and with confidence.

Discover how GoodSign can enhance your e-signing experience with cost-effective, reliable timestamping. Don’t pay for unused services – pay only $1.50 per use with no additional costs for team members. Improve your compliance, security, and efficiency today!

Start leveraging the benefits of a Timestamping Authority with GoodSign’s transparent and budget-friendly approach. Visit to learn more.

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