
Signature Event Definition and Examples

Understanding Signature Events for e-Signing

In the realm of e-signatures, a Signature Event is a crucial concept to grasp. This term refers to a series of actions and data that are captured during the signing process of a digital document. Signature Events play an essential role in ensuring the authenticity, integrity, and non-repudiation of digital signatures.

Key Elements of a Signature Event

  1. Timestamp - A record of the exact date and time when the signature was applied, ensuring a verifiable timeline.
  2. Signer Identity - Information about the signer's identity, often verified through email, SMS, or other authentication methods.
  3. Geolocation - Optional but useful data on the physical location of the signer at the time of signing.
  4. Device Information - Details about the device used for signing, such as IP address, browser type, or operating system.
  5. Audit Trail - A complete, chronological record of all interactions with the document, from opening and viewing to signing and completion.

Why Signature Events Matter

  • Enhanced Security: By capturing detailed information through Signature Events, GoodSign ensures that the signing process is secure and trustworthy. This minimizes the risk of fraud and unauthorized access.
  • Legal Validity: Signature Events provide a robust digital footprint that can stand up in court if the validity of a signature is ever questioned. The audit trail serves as compelling evidence.
  • Transparency: Businesses can track and review Signature Events to ensure compliance with internal policies and industry regulations. This transparency builds trust during audits and evaluations.

Examples of Signature Events

  1. Client Contract Signing:

    • A client receives a contract via GoodSign.
    • They open the document, triggering the first event.
    • After reviewing, they sign electronically, capturing their timestamp, geolocation, and device info.
    • The document is countersigned by a company representative, finalizing the Signature Event with a comprehensive audit trail.
  2. Employee Onboarding:

    • New hire logs into the onboarding portal and receives a digital packet.
    • They consent to the terms, which is logged.
    • They digitally sign employment forms—all actions are recorded, including any changes made.

Conclusion: The GoodSign Advantage

By leveraging detailed Signature Events, GoodSign not only secures your documents but also eliminates the need for expensive subscriptions. For just $1.50 per envelope, you get full access to all features, making it a flexible and cost-efficient choice for businesses of all sizes. Don't compromise on essential e-signature functionalities; choose GoodSign and pay only for what you use.

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