
Legal Signature Definition and Examples

Understanding Legal Signatures for e-Signing

A legal signature plays an essential role in validating agreements in both personal and business contexts. It's the recognized mark or symbol a person uses to signify agreement with the content of a document. In traditional form, this mark might be a hand-written name or even an "X" for those who cannot write.

The Evolution of Legal Signatures

With the rise of technology, legal signatures have significantly evolved. Electronic signatures (e-signatures) are now widely accepted and legally binding in many jurisdictions around the world. At GoodSign, we ensure that each electronic signature meets all legal requirements necessary to be deemed a valid legal signature.

What Makes a Legal Signature?

For a signature to be considered legal, certain criteria typically need to be met:

  1. Intent: The signer must intend to authenticate the document.
  2. Consent: All parties must agree to use electronic signatures.
  3. Verification: There must be a way to verify the signer's identity, such as through email or digital certificates.
  4. Record Retention: The signed document must be stored in a manner that it remains accessible and unalterable.

Examples of Legal Signatures

  1. Handwritten Signature: The traditional method where someone physically writes their name.
  2. Typed Name: When you type your name at the end of an email or digital document.
  3. Click-to-Sign: Clicking a button to agree to terms, often used in digital agreements.
  4. Digital Signatures: Advanced electronic signatures that use cryptographic algorithms to secure the signature and identity.

Legal Signatures with GoodSign

GoodSign simplifies the process of creating and managing legal signatures. Here's why GoodSign stands out:

  • Pay Per Use: No expensive subscription plans; just $1.50 per send.
  • No Extra Costs for Team Members: Add as many team members as needed without extra charges.
  • All Features Included: Get access to all crucial features and integrations without plan restrictions.

By choosing GoodSign, you gain a reliable and cost-effective solution for your legal signing needs. This means more flexibility and efficiency in managing your agreements without breaking the bank.

Ready to experience seamless and legally binding e-signatures? Try GoodSign today and see how easy and secure electronic signing can be.

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