
Electronic Seal Definition and Examples

Understanding Electronic Seal for e-Signing

An Electronic Seal serves a similar function to a traditional corporate stamp or seal but in the digital space. It is used to guarantee the origin and integrity of an electronic document. Unlike a digital signature that is linked to an individual, an electronic seal is typically bound to a company or legal entity.

Key Features of Electronic Seals

  1. Authentication: Ensures that the document originated from the stated entity.
  2. Integrity: Verifies that the document has not been altered in any way since the seal was applied.
  3. Non-repudiation: Offers proof that the document was indeed sealed by the issuing entity.

Examples of Use

  • Business Agreements: Corporations often use electronic seals when sending contracts, ensuring the recipient knows the document comes from an authorized source.
  • Official Reports: Government entities and large organizations use electronic seals to confirm that online reports or digital notices are legitimate.
  • Invoices: Many companies now use electronic seals on invoices to emphasize authenticity and reduce the risk of fraud.

Benefits of Using Electronic Seals with GoodSign

By integrating electronic seals into your document workflow using GoodSign, you can enjoy the following benefits:

  • Cost-Effective: Pay only $1.50 per envelope sent, with no expensive subscriptions.
  • Team-Friendly: Add as many team members as you need without incurring extra costs.
  • Comprehensive Features: Access all the tools and integrations you need to secure your documents without gated plans.

Discover the future of secure digital transactions with GoodSign and ensure your documents are both authentic and tamper-proof.

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