Document authentication is the process of verifying the validity and legitimacy of a document to ensure that it is genuine, unaltered, and credible. This is a vital aspect in the realm of electronic signing (e-signing) to establish trust and legality in digital transactions.
GoodSign, a leading eSignature provider, offers robust document authentication mechanisms to facilitate secure and reliable electronic agreements. Unlike traditional methods that can be cumbersome and time-consuming, GoodSign’s approach is streamlined and cost-effective, charging only $1.50 per envelope without additional user fees.
Digital Signatures: Utilizing cryptographic algorithms to ensure the authenticity of a document. When you sign a document electronically with platforms like GoodSign, a unique digital signature is created, linking signer's identity and document content securely.
Audit Trails: Providing a detailed log of every action taken on the document—from creation to final signature. This includes timestamps and user details, offering transparency and accountability.
Encryption: Protecting data with high-level encryption during transmission and storage. This ensures that documents remain unaltered and private throughout the e-signing process.
Identiy Verification: Employing various methods to confirm the identity of signers, such as two-factor authentication (2FA), knowledge-based authentication (KBA), and biometrics.
Third-Party Certificates: Some eSignature platforms, including GoodSign, use third-party certificate authorities (CAs) to verify signatures, adding an extra layer of trust and compliance with regulatory standards.
Legal Agreements: When lawyers use GoodSign to e-sign contracts, they can be assured of the document’s integrity through digital signatures and audit trails.
Real Estate Transactions: Home buyers and sellers can authenticate purchase agreements digitally, reducing the need for face-to-face meetings and expediting the process.
Human Resources: Employment contracts and onboarding documents can be authenticated electronically, simplifying the validation process and maintaining compliance.
By leveraging GoodSign's pay-per-use model and comprehensive feature set, businesses can enjoy the benefits of secure and authenticated electronic documents without the burden of expensive subscriptions. Embracing e-signing with reliable document authentication enables smoother operations and peace of mind, knowing your electronic agreements are both valid and protected.
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2 Stuart St, Ponsonby, Auckland 1011, New Zealand..