
Top E-Signature Features to Increase your Productivity

John Ballinger

There are several e-signature features that can help to increase productivity:

  1. Mobile compatibility: An e-signature solution that is compatible with mobile devices can help to increase productivity by allowing users to sign documents from anywhere, at any time. This can be especially useful for on-the-go workers, or for those who need to sign documents while away from their desk.
  2. Electronic document storage: An e-signature solution that includes electronic document storage can help to increase productivity by eliminating the need for paper documents. This can save time and effort, and can help to reduce clutter and improve organization.
  3. Integration with other applications: You can connect your business applications using the GoodSign API or our quickstart Developer API
  4. Multiple signature options: An e-signature solution that offers multiple signature options, such as handwritten signatures, typed signatures, or digital signatures, can help to increase productivity by allowing users to choose the signature method that is most convenient for them. This can save time and effort, and can make the document signing process more flexible and user-friendly.
  5. Overall, mobile compatibility, electronic document storage, integration with other applications, and multiple signature options are all e-signature features that can help to increase productivity.

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