
Improving your bottomline with eSignatures

John Ballinger
63.7% of contracts are completed within 24 hours using GoodSign

There are several ways that your company can reduce costs by using e-signatures.

First, e-signatures can help your company save time and money by eliminating the need for physical signatures on documents. This can reduce the cost of printing, mailing, and storing paper documents, as well as the cost of having employees spend time signing and handling paper documents.

Second, e-signatures can help your company reduce the cost of fraud by providing a secure, verifiable method for signing documents. This can help prevent fraudulent signatures and reduce the cost of fraud investigation and recovery.

Third, e-signatures can help your company reduce the cost of paper-based document management by eliminating the need for physical storage and retrieval of documents. This can save your company money on paper, ink, and storage space, as well as the cost of having employees manage paper documents.

Overall, using e-signatures can help your company save time and money, reduce the risk of fraud, and streamline its processes, which can help to reduce costs and improve its bottom line.

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