
eSignature API Pricing

Unlock Seamless eSignatures with GoodSign's Pay-Per-Use API

Why Choose GoodSign's API? An Industry Game-Changer

GoodSign redefines eSignature solutions with our affordable, pay-per-use pricing. At only $1.50 per envelope and no additional costs for team members, GoodSign is your go-to choice over higher-priced competitors.

Key Benefits Upfront:

  • Pay-Per-Use Pricing: Just $1.50 per envelope—no subscriptions, no hidden fees.
  • Unlimited Free Team Members: Add as many team members as you like without any extra cost.
  • All Features Unlocked: No gated features based on plans.

Ready to revolutionize your eSignature experience?

Start for Free →

GoodSign vs. Competitors

Cost Comparison Overview

Feature GoodSign DocuSign Standard Adobe Sign Pro for Teams Dropbox Sign Business Plan
Send Documents for eSignature
Unlimited Users 5 user limit
Free Users × × ×
Create Templates 15 limit 15 limit 15 limit
SMS Reminder Contact Sales Enterprise
Enterprise API Contact Sales Call Sales $$$
eWitness Contact Sales Requires App ×
Web Forms Business Pro
Security & Encryption
Price per Envelope $1.50 $45/user/mo $287.88/user/yr $25/user

Eliminate unnecessary costs and get all essential features without the subscription burden!

Register Now →

Comprehensive Pricing Comparison: GoodSign vs. Competitors

GoodSign vs. DocuSign

For 10 users sending 600 envelopes annually

Cost Factor GoodSign DocuSign Standard
Subscription Cost $0 $3,000/year ($25 x 12 mo x 10 users)
Envelope Cost $900 Included in subscription
Total Annual Cost $900 $3,000
Annual Savings $2,100 N/A

GoodSign vs. Adobe Sign

For 10 users sending 600 envelopes annually

Cost Factor GoodSign Adobe Sign Pro for Teams
Price per Envelope $1.50 $287.88/user/year
Annual Cost $900 $2,879.80
Annual Savings $1,979.80 N/A

GoodSign vs. Dropbox Sign

For 10 users sending 600 envelopes annually

Cost Factor GoodSign Dropbox Sign Business Plan
Annual Subscription $0 $3,000/year
Envelope Cost $900 Included in subscription
Total Annual Cost $900 $3,000
Annual Savings $2,100 N/A

Why GoodSign is the Clear Winner

In addition to significant cost savings, GoodSign provides powerful features such as:

  • Automatic and SMS Reminders
  • Document Witnessing
  • Advanced API for Developers
  • Unlimited Team Members & Templates

Join thousands of satisfied customers who have made the switch to a more affordable and comprehensive eSignature solution.

Get Started for Free →

Note: Data as of 26/June/2024. Pricing and service features are subject to change. Verify current rates and features directly with service providers.

Digital eSignatures
No subscriptions
One million trees 🌳

All rights reserved © GoodSign Limited 2024
2 Stuart St, Ponsonby, Auckland 1011, New Zealand..