
Why GoodSign is the Ideal Alternative to Xodo Sign (formerly eversign)

Key Benefits of GoodSign

  • Pay-Per-Use Pricing: Only $1.50 per envelope - no subscriptions required.
  • Unlimited Team Members: Add as many team members as you need at no extra cost.
  • No Feature Restrictions: Access all features without paying for higher-tier plans.
  • Simplicity and Security: Easy-to-use interface with robust security measures like 256-bit SSL encryption.

Feature Comparison: GoodSign vs. Xodo Sign

Feature GoodSign Xodo Sign Description
Send documents for eSignature Basic functionality to send documents for signature
Unlimited Users Up to 15 (Pro Plus Plan) GoodSign supports unlimited users without extra cost
Create Templates Varies by plan GoodSign offers unlimited templates
SMS Verification/Reminders Limited by plan GoodSign provides this feature universally
API Access Available with higher tiers GoodSign offers full API access regardless of plan
Document Witnessing Limited by plan GoodSign provides this feature universally
Web Forms Both support web forms for signing
Security & Encryption Both services use 256-bit SSL encryption

Cost Comparison: GoodSign vs. Xodo Sign

Below is a cost comparison assuming 10 users and 600 envelopes per year.

Service Plan Annual Cost Envelope Cost Total Annual Cost
GoodSign Pay-Per-Use $0 $1.50/envelope $900
Xodo Sign Professional Plan $4799.88 Included in Plan $4799.88

Annual Cost Savings with GoodSign

By choosing GoodSign over Xodo Sign's Professional Plan, you can save a significant amount annually:

GoodSign Annual Cost Xodo Sign Annual Cost Annual Savings
$900 $4799.88 $3899.88


GoodSign provides all the essential features you need for electronic signatures without binding you to a costly subscription model. From unlimited team members to pay-per-envelope pricing, GoodSign simplifies your workflow and drastically reduces your costs, making it a superior alternative to Xodo Sign.

Footnote: Data accurate as of June 26, 2024. All pricing and user comparisons are based on the middle-tier plans where applicable. Always perform your own research to ensure accurate vendor comparison.

Comparison Calculator

See how much you can save with GoodSign compared to eversign


eversign Pricing

eversign includes 0/year by default

Your Annual Savings with GoodSign


Annual Cost Breakdown


Envelopes: $0.00
Users: $0.00
Total: $0.00


Envelopes: $0.00
Users: $0.00
Total: $0.00

Digital eSignatures
No subscriptions
One million trees 🌳

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2 Stuart St, Ponsonby, Auckland 1011, New Zealand..