
Discover GoodSign: The Exceptional Alternative to emSigner

GoodSign offers a unique electronic signature solution with a pay-per-use model that eliminates the need for expensive subscriptions. Unlike emSigner, which has multiple subscription tiers with varying feature access, GoodSign provides all features at a flat rate of $1.50 per envelope. This makes it an excellent choice for businesses looking for flexibility and cost-efficiency.

Feature Comparison: GoodSign vs. emSigner

Feature GoodSign emSigner (Professional Plan) Description Difference
Send documents for eSignature Both platforms offer secure document signing.
Unlimited Users GoodSign and emSigner both support multiple users, but GoodSign offers free user additions.
Free Users × GoodSign allows adding basic users for free, whereas emSigner charges for users.
Create Templates Both platforms support reusable templates.
SMS Verification/ Reminders GoodSign includes SMS reminders natively; emSigner includes it in Professional Plan.
Enterprise API GoodSign’s API is fully featured with no extra charge, emSigner offers this in the Professional Plan.
Document Witnessing Both support legally witnessed signatures.
Web Forms Both platforms offer customizable web forms.
Security & Encryption Both ensure high security and encryption standards.

Cost Comparison: GoodSign vs. emSigner

Assumption: Middle plan, 10 users, 600 envelopes/year.

Plan GoodSign emSigner (Professional Plan)
Users Unlimited 10 users
Envelopes $1.50/envelope $4/envelope
Total Annual Cost $900 (600 envelopes x $1.50) $24,000 (600 envelopes x $4 + $20,000 user cost)

Annual Cost Savings with GoodSign

Using GoodSign's pay-per-use model results in substantial cost savings:

Total Annual Cost Saving: $23,100

GoodSign emSigner Savings
$900 $24,000 $23,100

In conclusion, GoodSign significantly reduces your expenses while offering comprehensive features without the costly overheads associated with traditional subscription-based models.

Note: Data as of June 26, 2024. This comparison utilizes middle-tier pricing plans and assumes 10 users and 600 envelopes per year. Not all features may have been compared, and pricing models can change. Always conduct your own research when comparing vendors.

Comparison Calculator

See how much you can save with GoodSign compared to emSigner


emSigner Pricing

emSigner includes 40/year by default

Your Annual Savings with GoodSign


Annual Cost Breakdown


Envelopes: $0.00
Users: $0.00
Total: $0.00


Envelopes: $0.00
Users: $0.00
Total: $0.00

Digital eSignatures
No subscriptions
One million trees 🌳

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2 Stuart St, Ponsonby, Auckland 1011, New Zealand..