
GoodSign: A Cost-Effective Alternative to Zoho Sign

GoodSign offers a pay-per-use digital signature platform that provides all essential features with no subscription needed, making it a strong alternative to Zoho Sign. Here's why GoodSign stands out:

  • Pay-Per-Use: Only $1.50 per envelope sent
  • Unlimited Users: Add team members for free
  • No Plan Restrictions: Access all features without gating

Feature Comparison

Feature GoodSign Zoho Sign
Send Documents for eSignature
Unlimited Users ×
Free Users ×
Create Templates
SMS Verification/Reminders Available, costs credits
API Access API plan or credits required
Document Witnessing Available at Enterprise Plan
Web Forms Professional Plan
Security & Encryption
Custom Branding
Bulk Send Enterprise Plan

Cost Comparison (Assuming 10 Users, 600 Envelopes per Year)

Provider Plan Cost Per User/Month Envelope Cost Annual Cost for 10 Users & 600 Envelopes
GoodSign Pay-Per-Use 0 $1.50/envelope $900
Zoho Sign Professional $20/user/month (Included in Plan) $2,400 (10 users $20 12 months)

Annual Cost Savings with GoodSign

By choosing GoodSign over Zoho Sign, you save:

$2,400 Zoho Sign Annual Cost - $900 GoodSign Annual Cost = $1,500 Annual Savings

Using GoodSign can save your company $1,500 per year, making it an economical choice for businesses looking to streamline their digital signing process without the overhead of expensive subscription plans.

Note: As of 26/June/2024, this comparison uses current data and assumes equivalent mid-tier plans and usage for an accurate cost-benefit analysis. Prices and features are subject to change, and this should serve as a guide only. Always perform your own verification and research when selecting a vendor.

Comparison Calculator

See how much you can save with GoodSign compared to Zoho-Sign


Zoho-Sign Pricing

Zoho-Sign includes 0/year by default

Your Annual Savings with GoodSign


Annual Cost Breakdown


Envelopes: $0.00
Users: $0.00
Total: $0.00


Envelopes: $0.00
Users: $0.00
Total: $0.00

Digital eSignatures
No subscriptions
One million trees 🌳

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2 Stuart St, Ponsonby, Auckland 1011, New Zealand..