
GoodSign: The Cost-Efficient Alternative to Yousign

Why GoodSign?

GoodSign offers a straightforward pay-per-use pricing model, costing only $1.50 per envelope, without the need for expensive subscriptions. Here’s why GoodSign stands out:

  1. No Extra Cost for Team Members: Invite unlimited team members without additional charges.
  2. All Features Included: Access to all features, with no gating.
  3. Pay for What You Use: Simple $1.50 per send makes budgeting easy.

Start today with GoodSign's 10 free credits and experience an efficient, cost-effective eSigning solution.

Key Features Comparison

Feature GoodSign Yousign Pro Plan Description
Send Documents for eSignature Both platforms enable document eSignature
Unlimited Users Invite unlimited team members
Free Users × GoodSign does not charge for extra users
Create Templates Both offer template creation
SMS Verification/Reminders Both support SMS verification/reminders
Enterprise API They both offer Enterprise API capabilities
eWitness × GoodSign supports document witnessing
Web Forms Both can create web forms
Security & Encryption Comparable security and encryption standards

Cost Comparison Over One Year

Scenario: 10 Users, 600 Envelopes/Year

Service Price Plan Cost (per user/month) Annual Cost Plan (USD) Envelopes/year Envelope Cost Total Annual Cost
GoodSign Pay-Per-Use $0 $0 600 $1.50 $900
Yousign Pro Plan €40 (approx. $43) $516 600 Included $6,960

Annual Cost Savings: $6,060

Highlighted Cost Savings

With GoodSign, your total annual expense for 10 users sending 600 envelopes is only $900. In contrast, a similar usage scenario with Yousign's Pro Plan would cost you $6,960 annually. This results in a remarkable annual cost saving of $6,060.

In addition to the substantial financial advantage, GoodSign provides unlimited team member invitations without extra costs, ensuring every team member can participate in your document operations without inflating your expenses.


GoodSign is an excellent alternative to Yousign, particularly for those seeking a cost-effective and flexible solution without compromising on features.

Footnote: The data is current as of 26/June/2024. The comparison assumes 10 users and 600 envelopes per year, using each service's middle pricing plan. Features and pricing comparisons are as accurate as possible based on publicly available information but are meant to serve as a guide. Always verify details directly with service providers for the most accurate and current information.

Comparison Calculator

See how much you can save with GoodSign compared to Yousign


Yousign Pricing

Yousign includes 0/year by default

Your Annual Savings with GoodSign


Annual Cost Breakdown


Envelopes: $0.00
Users: $0.00
Total: $0.00


Envelopes: $0.00
Users: $0.00
Total: $0.00

Digital eSignatures
No subscriptions
One million trees 🌳

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2 Stuart St, Ponsonby, Auckland 1011, New Zealand..