Feature | GoodSign | Soda PDF |
Send Documents for eSignature | ✓ | ✓ |
Unlimited Users | ✓ | × |
Free Users | ✓ | × |
Create Templates | ✓ | ✓ |
SMS Verification/Reminders | ✓ | × |
Enterprise API | ✓ | × |
eWitnessing | ✓ | × |
Automatic Signing Reminders | ✓ | ✓ |
Security & Encryption | ✓ | ✓ |
Web Forms | ✓ | × |
Price per Envelope | $1.50 | N/A (Subscription-based) |
Planting Trees Initiative | ✓ | × |
Assuming 10 users and 600 envelopes per year, here’s how GoodSign stacks up against Soda PDF:
Aspect | GoodSign | Soda PDF Business Plan |
Monthly Cost | $1.50/envelope × 50 envelopes = $75 | $20/user × 10 users = $200 |
Yearly Cost (600 envelopes) | <00> $900 00> | $20 × 12 months × 10 users = $2400 |
Total Yearly Savings with GoodSign | <00> $1500 00> | - |
By choosing GoodSign over Soda-PDF, you save a significant amount annually with similar or even better features.
GoodSign offers a more flexible and cost-effective solution for eSignatures compared to Soda PDF. You pay only for what you use without compromising on features or team collaboration. Experience all-inclusive features and save more as you grow.
Data correct as of 26/June/2024. This comparison uses the middle price plan assuming 10 users and 600 envelopes per year. Not all features may have been compared, and pricing logic could be misinterpreted. This page is intended to be a guide only, and you should always do your own research when comparing vendors.
See how much you can save with GoodSign compared to Soda-PDF
All rights reserved © GoodSign Limited 2025
2 Stuart St, Ponsonby, Auckland 1011, New Zealand..