
GoodSign: A Better Alternative to Scrive

Why GoodSign is Your Next eSignature Platform

GoodSign stands out as an innovative and cost-effective eSignature solution optimized for small and medium-sized businesses. One of the key differentiators is our pay-per-use model, ensuring you only pay $1.50 per envelope with no hidden fees. This eliminates the need for an expensive subscription or additional costs for team members. Here’s how GoodSign compares to industry leader Scrive.

Comparative Feature Breakdown

Feature GoodSign Scrive
Send documents for eSignature
Unlimited Users Multiple Tiers
Free Users ×
Create Templates
SMS Verification/Reminders Enterprise Plan
Enterprise API Available
eWitness Available
Web Forms
Security & Encryption

Feature Differences:

  • Unlimited Users: GoodSign allows unlimited users with no extra cost, whereas Scrive has multiple subscription tiers with varied limits.
  • Free Users: GoodSign supports free users, eliminating additional costs, unlike Scrive.
  • SMS Verification/Reminders: Available in GoodSign, extra fee in Scrive's enterprise plan.

Cost Comparison

Let's see how the pricing stacks up assuming a middle-plan, 10 users, and 600 envelopes per year.

Provider Pricing Plan Cost Calculation Total Annual Cost
GoodSign Pay-per-Use $1.50/envelope * 600 envelopes $900
Scrive eSign Standard $35/user/month 10 users + 600 envelopes additional fee $6,600

Summary of Annual Cost Savings

Using GoodSign as your eSignature provider can result in significant cost savings over a year.

GoodSign: $900/year Scrive: $6,600/year

Save More with GoodSign

Switching to GoodSign can save your business $5,700 annually. By matching all essential features and providing unlimited team collaboration without the costly overhead, GoodSign is not just a viable alternative but a superior choice for modern businesses.


Data accurate as of 26/June/2024. Pricing and feature comparisons are based on a middle-price business plan and assuming 10 users, 600 envelopes per year. Always conduct your own research when comparing vendors, as prices and features can change.

Comparison Calculator

See how much you can save with GoodSign compared to Scrive


Scrive Pricing

Scrive includes 0/year by default

Your Annual Savings with GoodSign


Annual Cost Breakdown


Envelopes: $0.00
Users: $0.00
Total: $0.00


Envelopes: $0.00
Users: $0.00
Total: $0.00

Digital eSignatures
No subscriptions
One million trees 🌳

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2 Stuart St, Ponsonby, Auckland 1011, New Zealand..