
The Green Alternative to DocuSign

Why GoodSign is the Better Choice

Legally Binding eSignatures Without the Bulk Cost
GoodSign offers electronic signatures at an affordable pay-per-use rate of only $1.50 per envelope, no matter how many team members are involved. Unlike DocuSign, which requires expensive subscriptions and fees for additional users, GoodSign allows unlimited free team members and does not gate features based on pricing tiers.

Key Features Comparison

Feature GoodSign DocuSign Standard
Send documents for eSignature
Unlimited Users
Free Users ×
Create Templates 15 limit
SMS Verification/Reminders Contact Sales
Enterprise API Enterprise
eWitness Contact Sales
Web Forms Business Pro
Security & Encryption
Price per Envelope $1.50 $45/user/mo (or $25/mo paid annually)

Cost Comparison: GoodSign vs DocuSign

Assuming a usage of 10 users and 600 envelopes per year, below is a cost comparison for GoodSign and DocuSign's middle plan:

Item GoodSign DocuSign Standard
Subscription Cost $0 (no subscription) $3,000/year ($25 x 12 months x 10 users)
Envelope Cost $900 ($1.50 per envelope) Included in subscription
User Costs $0 Included in subscription
Total Annual Cost $900 $3,000

Annual Cost Savings

By choosing GoodSign over DocuSign, you can realize significant cost savings without sacrificing essential features.

Annual Savings: $2,100

Affordable and Feature-Rich

GoodSign provides a cost-effective alternative to DocuSign, especially for teams needing comprehensive eSign solutions without the burden of subscription fees and additional user charges. With essential features like SMS reminders, API integrations, and unlimited team members, GoodSign is the clear choice for businesses looking to streamline document signing processes efficiently and economically.

Data as of 26/June/2024. Pricing and feature comparisons are based on available information and may not cover all possible options or costs. For precise comparisons, conduct your own research.

The Green Alternative to DocuSign
Comparison Calculator

See how much you can save with GoodSign compared to The Green Alternative to DocuSign


The Green Alternative to DocuSign Pricing

The Green Alternative to DocuSign includes 100/year by default

Your Annual Savings with GoodSign


Annual Cost Breakdown


Envelopes: $0.00
Users: $0.00
Total: $0.00

The Green Alternative to DocuSign

Envelopes: $0.00
Users: $0.00
Total: $0.00

Digital eSignatures
No subscriptions
One million trees 🌳

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2 Stuart St, Ponsonby, Auckland 1011, New Zealand..