
GoodSign vs. DigiSigner: Tailored eSignature Solution for Your Needs

At GoodSign, we revolutionize the eSignature ecosystem with our transparent, pay-per-use model. Unlike DigiSigner, which often necessitates monthly or annual subscriptions, our approach allows you to pay only when you use the service, eliminating unnecessary expenses.

Key Features Comparison: GoodSign vs. DigiSigner

Here's how GoodSign stacks up against DigiSigner in terms of critical features for electronic signatures:

Feature GoodSign DigiSigner
Send Documents for eSignature
Unlimited Users x (Team plan limited to 5 Senders)
Free Users x
Create Templates
SMS Verification/Reminders x
Enterprise API x (API requires separate subscription)
Document Witnessing x
Web Forms
Security & Encryption
Pricing Model $1.50 per envelope $480 per year for Team Plan (5 users)

Pricing Comparison: GoodSign vs. DigiSigner

Clearly see how GoodSign's pay-per-use plan can result in significant savings for your business:

Plan GoodSign DigiSigner
Number of Users 10 Users 10 Users
Envelopes per Year 600 600
Cost per Envelop $1.50 Included in monthly fee
Annual Cost $900 $960 ($40/month/user for 2 users)

Cost Savings: GoodSign over a Year

Switching to GoodSign could save your business hundreds of dollars annually. Consider the savings:

DigiSigner (Team Plan): $960/year
GoodSign: $900/year

Annual Savings: $60/year

With GoodSign, you gain extensive features like SMS reminders, unlimited users, and document witnessing, all while spending less annually.

Simplify Your eSignature Process

By choosing GoodSign, you not only streamline your signing process but also ensure cost-effective usage without compromising on essential features or security. Start leveraging GoodSign today and experience the benefits of a modern, efficient eSignature solution.

This comparison is based on data as of 26/June/2024. Pricing and features were compared using the middle-priced plans for 10 users and an estimated 600 envelopes per year. Always conduct personal research before making a final decision.

Comparison Calculator

See how much you can save with GoodSign compared to DigiSigner


DigiSigner Pricing

DigiSigner includes 0/year by default

Your Annual Savings with GoodSign


Annual Cost Breakdown


Envelopes: $0.00
Users: $0.00
Total: $0.00


Envelopes: $0.00
Users: $0.00
Total: $0.00

Digital eSignatures
No subscriptions
One million trees 🌳

All rights reserved © GoodSign Limited 2025
2 Stuart St, Ponsonby, Auckland 1011, New Zealand..