
GoodSign vs. Cygnature: A Comprehensive Comparison

Key Features Comparison

Features GoodSign Cygnature Description of Differences
Send documents for eSignature Both platforms provide essential document signing capabilities.
Unlimited Users Custom Pricing GoodSign offers unlimited users for free, whereas Cygnature may offer this in custom plans.
Free Users × GoodSign allows free users effortlessly. Cygnature charges for additional features.
Create Templates Both support creating reusable templates.
SMS Verification/Reminders Both provide SMS-based verification and reminders.
Enterprise API APIs suitable for enterprise-level integrations in both platforms.
eWitness × GoodSign supports document witnessing, while Cygnature lacks this in standard plans.
Web Forms Both platforms support document signing via web forms.
Security & Encryption Both provide standard security measures including encryption.
Price per envelope $1.50/send Custom Pricing GoodSign has a clear, low per-envelope price. Cygnature pricing can vary based on plans.

Cost Comparison for 10 Users and 600 Envelopes per Year

Pricing Component GoodSign Cygnature
Base Plan Free $275/user/year
Envelopes $1.50/envelope Included in Plan
Users Unlimited Free 10 Users Paid
Total Cost $900.00/year $2,750.00/year

Note: Prices for Cygnature are derived from their Pro plan.

Annual Cost Savings with GoodSign

Choosing GoodSign over Cygnature can result in significant cost savings. Let's break down the total yearly expenses:

  • GoodSign: $1.50 x 600 envelopes = $900/year.
  • Cygnature: $275/user/year x 10 users = $2,750/year.

The total annual savings with GoodSign is $1,850.

Additional Insights

GoodSign offers a straightforward pay-per-use pricing model that is advantageous for businesses seeking flexibility without the commitment of costly subscriptions. The absence of additional costs for team members and a transparent pricing strategy ensures that you only pay for what you use.

Date: 26/June/2024
Prices and user terms are based on the mid-tier plans from each vendor. Note that prices and features may vary, and it's advisable to conduct thorough research before making a decision.

Comparison Calculator

See how much you can save with GoodSign compared to Cygnature


Cygnature Pricing

Cygnature includes 100/year by default

Your Annual Savings with GoodSign


Annual Cost Breakdown


Envelopes: $0.00
Users: $0.00
Total: $0.00


Envelopes: $0.00
Users: $0.00
Total: $0.00

Digital eSignatures
No subscriptions
One million trees 🌳

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