
GoodSign vs Adobe Sign: A Comprehensive Comparison

Discover the key benefits of using GoodSign as an alternative to Adobe Sign with a thorough comparison of their features and pricing.

Key Features Comparison

Feature GoodSign Adobe Sign (Pro for Teams)
Send documents for eSignature
Unlimited Users
Free Users ×
Create Templates Limit of 15
SMS Verification/Reminders Enterprise Plan Only
Enterprise API Call Sales
Document Witnessing Requires App
Web Forms
Security & Encryption
Price per Envelope $1.50 $287.88/user/year
Automated Signing Reminders
Seamless Mobile Signing
Integrations with Popular Apps
Custom Branding
Compliance with ESIGN and UETA

Summary: GoodSign offers a highly competitive feature set compared to Adobe Sign, with significant advantages especially in areas such as user costs and convenience features like free users and additional tools without extra charges or plan upgrades.

Cost Comparison for 10 Users and 600 Envelopes Annually

Provider Plan Users Envelopes Annual Cost
GoodSign Pay per Use 10 600 $900.00
Adobe Sign Pro for Teams 10 600 $2,879.80

Calculation Breakdown:

  • GoodSign Cost:

    • Price per envelope: $1.50
    • Annual cost = 600 envelopes * $1.50 = $900.00
  • Adobe Sign Cost:

    • Plan price: $287.88 per user per year
    • Annual cost = 10 users * $287.88 = $2,879.80

Annual Cost Savings with GoodSign

Choosing GoodSign over Adobe Sign can lead to significant savings.

The total annual savings with GoodSign over Adobe Sign is: $1,979.80

By opting for GoodSign, businesses can benefit from essential eSignature functionalities without the burden of high subscription fees, leading to almost 70% cost reduction in comparison to Adobe Sign.

Note: This comparison is based on the data as of 26/June/2024 and focuses on the middle-tier business plans for both providers. Pricing structures and availability of features might change over time, so it's advisable to confirm the current rates and features directly from the service providers' official websites.

Adobe Sign
Comparison Calculator

See how much you can save with GoodSign compared to Adobe Sign


Adobe Sign Pricing

Adobe Sign includes 0/year by default

Your Annual Savings with GoodSign


Annual Cost Breakdown


Envelopes: $0.00
Users: $0.00
Total: $0.00

Adobe Sign

Envelopes: $0.00
Users: $0.00
Total: $0.00

Digital eSignatures
No subscriptions
One million trees 🌳

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